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    I'm guilty to not have read all of Vic's stories (aside from O'Neil's run)—I'm mostly a Renee fan, but that one sounds interesting. I'm gonna have to check it out.

    I'm blessed/infinitely lucky to own one—it's absolutely phenomenal and ridiculously detailed. A labor of love that really shows how much Greg cares about the character. It's funny/witty to boot.

    He's gone from saying it was unlikely to saying that he would return if given a good book. He's mentioned (on tumblr) that if he was offered Batwoman, he'd consider taking it. Which good god I hope that happens, since Batwoman went to hell (or… space?) really quickly once JHW3 left.

    He monologues Renee quite frequently, I think because he likes to write like he's inside her head and that's how he hears her voice.

    Rucka takes a lot of O'Neil* into Renee, actually, with a lot of the zen philosophy, etc. O'Neil was actually the group editor when Greg started writing Renee and no doubt his influence is there, especially in "52". I'd argue Renee cares more about Gotham than Bats, since Renee's grown up in the streets and didn't

    I think, from what I believe I read (assuming you mean the stuff with Crispus/Spectre and not Five Books of Blood) is that they 'made' Rucka write that stuff, which is why I agree it's really weak. I think I've read it once and then just never again.

    Rucka still adores O'Neil. O'Neil is like his permanent sensei. I met O'Neil as well and he said /he/ was a fan of Greg before he met him and loved his novels. O'Neil's also a total sweetheart and so is Greg. Great writers and people, the both of them.

    I'm buying ten of them.