
I really appreciated how profoundly Red is still affected by Tricia's death. I mean, obviously she would be, but it's nice that the show remembered.

I am absolutely crushed that Humphrey looks to be potentially the worst CO thus far. It's just fucking dread to have to deal with another one, and as I'm articulating it I realize how purposeful that might have been. Last year in the van it was Pennsatucky and Coates; this year it's her and Humphrey. The prisoners

Exactly. I'd even say their lazy indifference seems like kind of the ideal, now that we've seen the alternatives. You don't want the "love" that Bennett or Coates have to offer or the anger of someone like Piscatella.

I agree, to me the whole arc with Coates is pretty unrealistic which makes it hard to react to. I've never, literally never, heard of someone getting accused of rape, accepting that they have committed rape, and sincerely attempting to atone. I don't understand his 180 and I don't buy it, really (not for lack of work

Yeah, and though it's still funny at this point, I'm getting tired of the "Inmate A makes a reference, inmate B misunderstands it" formula.

And Bennett, who also abused his authority to sleep with an inmate and then abandoned her after she gave birth to his child. And Coates isn't one of the new crop either.

Exactly. I'd love to see more explicit conflict with her in terms of her inner life, but I do think we saw enough to get it.

Definitely. We also saw why it would be easier or more natural for her to run this type of operation than the other women — this is what she knew growing up, even as she rebelled against it. She knows the words to say, when to be strict and when to be soft, etc.

How many people is that? I'm genuinely asking, I don't feel like re-watching Season 3 just to get Piper's panty numbers. She lost 4 people, right? I didn't think she had too many to start with.

I actually really like the female guard so far, with her kind of simmering rage at all of her co-workers.

I know Piper borders on absurdly un-self-aware, but it boggles my mind that she continues to dig herself into bigger and bigger pits on this panty business. How many people are even still working for her? It can't be enough to run a business.

Yeah, I thought it was great because I'd imagine a lot of people wound up in the same situation as me — slowly recognizing the song with a sinking feeling that has got to be a great mirror for what Piper is realizing about how her own words/actions have sounded.

Yes. She's anxious. I'm like 90% sure the show said it explicitly, but maybe not, but it's so obvious that her issues revolve around anxiety, not depression. She had a panic attack at work. I think it's just generally ignorance that has people conflating the two? I'm not sure.

Took me back to Misfits, I needed subtitles for that shit.

Honestly I forgot like 90% of what people are talking about in this thread, and I loved the comics and read them cover to cover. I remember some sexist and just plain misguided shit around Tulip and I definitely remember some of the cartoonish/adolescent violence (I mean, people love Arseface, but… dude was named

I feel like some of Kim Chi's lines might have been cut due to Ru's seeming nervousness about PC fan response this season, although I have no evidence of that.

Honestly Naomi's killer lipsync had me convinced "Causing a Commotion" was a decent lipsync pick which is a triumph in and of itself.

That kimono shit was hilarious. I'm sure all of them were super proud of going for a Madonna deep cut before everyone else took theirs out too.

I still listen to the Frank Black track and the Bis track a weird amount for a full grown adult. That was such a bizarrely terrific album.

I'll try to respect their wishes but I'll probably call them Andrew Jackson Jihad sometimes, not to try to be rude or "anti-SJW" or anything but just because I've been calling them that for so long and, although to a lesser extent than the band obviously, I've gotten pretty used to rattling off their explanation for