Big Al

I know it's just silliness, but I love every single solitary moment that R-Truth is on my screen. The little mini-feud between him and King Barrett is one of my favorite parts of WWE right now.

She gave as much consent as was available to women in the universe of the show/book. That was my point. Modern definitions of consent (or anything else for that matter) are not applicable in a fantasy universe that has its own internal structure and laws.

Oh god, I forgot about the fucking dogs. "I'll do whatever he wants, with the dogs, or…"

That's a good point about her realizing that she's in over her head.

Dark Sansa washed out her hair dye and become Scared Sansa again. :)

I will be curious how the aftermath shakes out though. Exactly how brutal Ramsey was and what kind of humiliation/abuse he may have put Sansa through is still up for grabs. In my opinion, THAT will be the next driving force for Sansa, not the sex itself.

Jaime sited Aerys' brutalization of his wife during sex. Not the sex act itself.

I'm going to go for it and say that which will undoubtedly by wildly unpopular…

Listening through the album for the first time, there are definitely some great moments. I know people hate "Pistol", but I think it's a hilarious departure. On the whole, Strangers to Ourselves sounds like a Modest Mouse album. It sounds like the members have gotten into their late thirties and experienced the