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    GoT: If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.

    OK. I have to get my theory in: Rob raped Ilianna and she got pregnant. In the tower of joy is Rheagar looking after the baby, Jon Snow. Ileanna faced Rob in the battle, dressed as Rhaegar, to get her revenge, but then Rob killed her, thinking it was Rhaegar.

    OK. I have to get my theory in: Rob raped Ilianna and she got pregnant. In the tower of joy is Rheagar looking after the baby, Jon Snow. Ileanna faced Rob in the battle, dressed as Rhaegar, to get her revenge, but then Rob killed her, thinking it was Rhaegar.

    I like the suggestion, out there in comment land, that as the chapter in the book in which Jamie and Cersei meet in the Sept is told from Jamie's POV, that what happened there may not have been as Jamie saw it… you follow?