Just Me

I didn't say what I said for my benefit, only for yours. Why waste your time on something you consider so poor, you called it "abysmal"? Again, I don't pose this question to you for me, but for you. I never argued your right to spend time talking about whatever you wanted, simply questioned the "why" of it. Just

But why do you even feel the need to "warn" others away? do you think everyone thinks like you do and will have the same likes and dislikes? People like different forms of entertainment. It would be like someone warning someone to not listen to a certain band simply because of your personal likes or dislikes.

I just binge watched this show this past week and I liked it! It had some gross parts but it wasn't as gross as Walking Dead, which I can't watch. I don't even know how people love Walking Dead so much because all it is are zombies, kill, die, rinse and repeat. I liked the family and the outlandish story lines that

I like her. Not saying she is the best actress, but does she have to be? Actually love the fact that she is the one with the army-hero skills and her husband is the professor.

I liked it. If you don't, just don't watch it. Why spend all this extra time on something you found abysmal! So much so that you actually spent time looking for articles about the show to comment on?