
They actually have toyed with it, the Holmes/Watson male/female thing, but overtly around the edges. Watson/Mycroft is one jealousy thang they worked in, plus Holmes with one of Watson's friends, if I remember correctly. And all it shows is poor writing chops.

If Copper and Ripper Street were not soap opera, I don't know what are. And looks like they're gonna try to kill The Musketeers the same way. Not saying US shows are not, just wishing the BBC would learn a lesson and do better.

Elementary is mind fluff. Sherlock is excellent and forgivable for it's sometime plot deficiencies. The rehab crap is 20 years beyond being topical, and merely perpetuates the benign cult that is 12 step. Watson as a woman is just multiculturalism force fed to the populace. Moriarity as a woman is more of the