Robbie C

What I love now is that Rony Seikaly is one of my favorite DJs out right now. Chill music. Has a show called Sugar Free Radio.

a well made margarita isn't as bad as her tequilla shots. So she's still on par IMO.

Working in the fed gov, I know a ton of people who only have jobs because they work in the fed gov. People get hired all the time in the real world who don't "deserve it". Golf buddies are given promotions, raquetball partners are given raises. It's the way of the world. What the fed gov does to try to "mitigate

I know she has a lime in there, but her not using lime juice and a pinch of agave nectar just annoys the inner bartender in me. =/

What's interesting when I heard that was here in Maryland, people say they are from Baltimore when they live in Baltimore County, not just Baltimore City (in fact, Baltimore City is its own county). 25 min north of Baltimore is White Marsh and the Ikea there considers itself the Baltimore Ikea.

I agree that she always had it. Before she left her first practice, she had the most billable hours and showed that passion. I just think it's remarkable for her to step after such a long period away. If anything, this show is about the transformation Alicia took instead of moping around as the wife of a cheater.

Her declaration to Will, Diane, and David Lee at the courthouse (I'm taking all your clients) was pure venom and confidence. With a Florrick at the helm, the new firm should do fine, of course with bumps. It should be interesting to see how Alicia's role changes. No longer does she have to ask permission for

In Season 1, we found out that Carey always made deals to avoid going to trial. So I would presume he was a new grad.

I wonder if she considers this episode for her Emmy nomination. So much was said with just her eyes. I got the chills.

I do find it interesting that Carey goes to Alicia as the final word on an issue. Since she is partner at a firm, she pretty much the Diane without an equal Will (Carey is close to there tho).