
It is not hard to believe that Gossip rags could be so ignorant but it is very hard to believe a whole Country could be. I hate how all of this junk gets so inflated by what passes for 'The Press' these days. I really miss the days when Stories were serious, fact based and only reported when they had evidence of

Ben Affleck is a Film maker who has proved his talent and really does deserve the respect of everyone who loves films. His first three movies have been unbelievably good. Not a failure in any sense in the bunch. Not an easy thing to do. He seems to have fully come to the realization that it is work and takes hard

Very Sad that a man who worked hard and put out a truly excellent, entertaining and profitable film cannot be recognized and celebrated for this accomplishment by those who should recognize the benefit of such a film in a struggling industry!  'Argo' is a truly Great film. You can watch it over and over and