
Such a shame we didn't get to see Louis choke the chickens.

Why didn't Jessica and Louis cut that sucker up if they wanted it cooked in two hours?

I really loathed Michael, I hope Oscar sees the light much like Connie did.

There's always a disruptive app for that.

Too bad it wasn't Kaboom! I miss that cereal, it was the only cereal my mom bought me growing up.

Like President Truman!

His own mother doesn't recognize him. Hmm…

WTF. Even Shawn got away with that as well.


Yeah, I didn't give a f- about Star Wars until tv started showing in 1997. How did Eddie not get a Star Trek or Power Rangers themed party instead? Freakin' Disney.

That makes no sense? I thought there would be enough Wiggas to work inside "hip hop clothing" stores.

“Call me crazy but square pizza tastes less good." Don't you speak ill of the sicilian pizza. #SpumoniGardens4Life

I sometimes envy 4AM sunrises.

Well, he was the smallest, and I think she was the tallest. Heh. He got game.

Didn't get a N64 until 1999. Besides my friends loved the SNES for one game: Street Fighter II.

I'm hoping she shows up in the Middle or the Goldbergs for a hat trick ofweekday nights.. Though she was only in Jane the Virgin in a clip. :(

I'm puzzled about that. They say both the Huangs are immigrants from Taiwan, BUT Jessica mentioned she wanted some stupid American toy as a child. Louis is easy to understand considering he watched a ton of 1980s tv, including Sixteen Candles on VHS.

Nah, either she stopped or started dyeing her hair.

You can do Thriller any time!

Maybe future Cindy mellowed out, considering what she and Brick went through after time travel.