
Dear AV Club Management:

And then Tasha Yar showed up as a Romulan or whatever the fuck in later seasons.

Sounds like a sketch comedy show?

I will do it, and you'll be so sorry!!

This song is the absolute worst song in the history of songs. Whenever it comes on I want to just kill myself. How could anyone like this fucking shit?

I'd totally bang the guy from 30 seconds to Mars.

That's fucking amatuer hour! If I saw him I'd say "Hey Nancy, mix that vodka with percocet and vicododin, or all the girls will think you're gay. You won't get any pussy doing anti-depressants."

His evil was commonplace? I guess you're right since he, like millions of other teenage boys, picked on and bullied other teenage boys. He wasn't exactly building death machines in his garage.

Biebs was on anti-depressants?

That upvote was for your screen name.

What a pointless movie. I'm sure he's a nice guy and all, but wouldn't it be more worthwhile to watch paint dry?

Everytime I turn around, Swanberg has a new movie out.

Ugh. The comparison to House is probably apt because I can see this show being fun for two seasons and then becoming awful and maudlin and about Kinnear's damaged psyche, and it just makes me want to eat 10 Vicodin. Shows like this are why American shows should be like British shows and only last 2-3 seasons.

If AVClub finds Sundance buzz so irritating, why does it provide day by day coverage of Sundance?

I hope Michael J Fox show isn't cancelled. Aside from the pointless 15 second talking head confessional things, it's pretty good.

I agree, you're right, it's not a completely hard and fast rule to have no narration. I enjoy the narration in Trainspotting, for instance. And I'd say that Malick is probably the best user of narration, and that's because his movies are unique and atypical. How he uses it in Tree of Life and The New World is amazing.

Haha, yes! That Picasso line is a bad mixed metaphor. You'd think she'd be the Mr. Miyagi of passive aggressive karate. Or maybe the line is supposed to indicate Bale isn't all that bright, which would further enforce my assertion that Russell isn't as fond of his characters the way Scorsese is of his.

American Hustle is overrated. The best part of that movie is when the characters call the microwave a "science oven." I love me some David O. Russell, but AH felt more like a work for hire movie, not a lynchpin in his career. It's a good movie and I liked it, but I'm not sure it deserves to be nominated for best

Gravity deserves best picture. There was not one boring moment in it, and enough pensive moments and philosophical heartbreak that it's not just a disaster movie. American Hustle was a bit overrated I think.

I don't think De Niro could have settled down, even with how he's portrayed in the beginning of Heat. Yeah, he's got the big house, but with no furniture. He's not so busy taking scores that he can't browse through a Raymour & Flanagans. He didn't have to tell his girlfriend he was a salesman, he could have picked