
No offense Alasdair but the first four sentences of this review are WAY too deep and wordy lol. I get that you love the show and it's a great break down of what happened, but it's too much lol.

To disagree with wanting to see Louise somehow get back at Bronconius for treating Tina and Bob that way, would be an out and out lie lol. They need to use her evil genius and hidden maturity more and more.

I'm a grown man, but I have to say, this show (from the voice acting, to the writing, to the familys animation and Geneness) is just too damn cute.

This is just getting mind numbingly inane. Cheryl letting the tiger loose is one stupid thing, but to pile on Kreiger dying, Pam STILL being addicted to crack and Cyril …..I can't even finish this post. Fuck me this is such a shitty show now. Thank god H. John Benjamin has another really funny really well written

Am I the only one who found it odd that Bronconius' costume didn't have a face? lol It was a still cool costume with the pink and black combo but it was just kind of off putting.

This has a lot of references and jokes, but my favorite that made me laugh the most was the sunset ending where Stan says that this is crazy that it already happened in Europe.

Naah I could see her getting more and more concerned for Dianna along the way. To be honest though, How the fuck could something like that be the babys idea? Wtf are you talking about?

I wouldn't say she was confident in the baby. That's being a bit presumptuous in more ways than one. I just think Kelly knows what the baby needs and now she can give it to her.

First of all, stop typing like you run a fucking book club, asschung. In Victors charge? Who the fuck talks like that?

I'm glad they got the baby back. Like, really glad. Although, Sean taking the back seat to the operation is really embarrassing.

Lord this is bad writing in the review. Honest to god man.

Backfiring on simple request like a douchenozzle doesn't help either though. Stop it. The least he could've done is let us watch next week and either like the episode or not.

Well, at this point, I'm sure whatever Vessen he is he's strong, but until I see Victor volga, I don't think he's a Vessen.

Noo, what you meant to say is that he knows he can't face the entire Verrat because he can't tell his cop force. Man has an entire army as his whim. He just can't tell them who they are lol.

I still can't believe a man is the voice of LInda. That's impressive.

Yeah it's that too. Mostly though, I think it's the way people are drawn and the way the show is written. In terms of jokes, there are never bad jokes or slowdowns for each character. Plus to me, Benjamins voice looks like it should come out of someone like Bob rather than Archer. That's just me though.

I officially can't muster this show anymore. It used to be funny as hell, great way to get some food and end my night. Now, barely laughable. They're trying to add too much story and I'm sorry but Archer being an asshole has been too old for at least 2 seasons now.

Also, I personally find H, John Benjamins voice much funnier coming out of Bob than Archer. I keep telling people this too but they don't believe me. Truth though.

And I'm sorry but damn young nicks mom is hot.

There’s no case-of-the-week here….Ahhh words I hope you'll be typing over and over from here on. I know we need them to fill things out but I love how the train gets rolling and then doesn't stop.