
Don't you look foolish now.

I think Bob broke a record tonight with how many times he said Oh my god.

Lord you can't review worth a damn. You know that PDN? Not worth a lick. How the hell did this is get a B-? It was a good wrap up to the first part. On top of that, what the fuck is the last paragraph about?/

But is it really better? I mean, in all honesty, don't you think Colbert is a little played out and cocky? He's full of himself too. I'll go from not watching one guy to not watching another take over the first guys show. Wow.

When they make the real wedding topper. With Cam Mitch AND Phil

Plus that girl didn't look like she earned that moniker. At all. Oh and, nice one.

Drake disagrees with #6's ranking.


Not just her boobs [bra]heem. I didn't say boobs I said curves in general. So no I don't see it. Of course I see but I don't care. Everyone here is thinking it I'm just saying it.

THAT's what you focused on?! Wow. You must not go on here much because people talk about her like that all the time. But yea there are two full paragraphs of information there to dine on that I gave you and you didn't use any of it. Lame.

No it isn't lol. How is it a coincidence that there are no kids in this episode?? Anyone who didn't see that coming is kind of stupid.

What happened to Jeff again? Didn't Roger bring a ship in and take him away into space or something? Is he dead? I don't honestly remember.

The butter serving robot? Really Handlen? Wow For me, the most interesting part of this episode was that Rick proved the devil wrong over and over and then burning his own store down with people still inside.

low-rent universe?? Forgive me for wanting an explanation? Please?

I'll say again, I never liked the way PDN typed up his summaries on episodes. No matter what show it is, they never are that fun or easy to read. I don't want to read an essay on Supernatural episode ______

I'm glad I gave up on Agents of Shield after the pilot. I'm even more glad to find out that it hasn't gone anywhere. Kind of sad though given what people were expecting of it.

No no, you say thank you to Michael Emerson for letting us borrow her. That's what you say. And thank you for Person of Interest lol.

Ohh yeah I can see that. Although, why would Diane object to something like that though? Elsbeth is like the law equivalent of a top pick in the NFL draft out of college lol. Isn't she?

There was no mention of Dian seeing Will smiling and Diane saying "Will, no. Down" Was she referring to WIll wanting to date Elsbeth? Or was it something else?

Dudde the bottom half is just as nice. She's got a great face too. I'm sorry but the people who think Haley is cuter, sorry. Alex is the total package. Complete.