
I got the feeling he was about to reveal something bad, either about the heist or his true intentions within the group or whatever. and then it took an unexpected left turn that made my stomach drop…

I got the feeling he was about to reveal something bad, either about the heist or his true intentions within the group or whatever. and then it took an unexpected left turn that made my stomach drop…

I think they mean the baby shower video

I imagine that when your husband is a meth-making, manipulative, sociopathic murderer, it's pretty hard to keep things together and do anything BUT look withdrawn and sullen.

I imagine that when your husband is a meth-making, manipulative, sociopathic murderer, it's pretty hard to keep things together and do anything BUT look withdrawn and sullen.

you are an ass.

you are an ass.

Jesse referenced Jethro Tull in the episode with his little brother, so I'm sure he's aware of The Doors

Jesse referenced Jethro Tull in the episode with his little brother, so I'm sure he's aware of The Doors

if there was ever a crossover between two shows that I wanted to see…

Let's not forget the entire Nightman Cometh episode, one of the best episodes of the entire series so far

Of course, because it was clearly Jesse himself who set up the fake phone call about Marie, and not Walt. Jesse didn't take the brunt of the punishment for an idea that Walt orchestrated himself…

Kind of a weak episode… but was anyone else reminded of Freddie from The Return Of The Living Dead whenever Dennis was shown with his 'zombie pallor'? Whoever did the makeup did a good job.

Didn't Mike mention his granddaughter in the episode where he visited Walt's house and told the story about his early days as a cop? Maybe I'm imagining things

Wasn't Mike the one who tried calling Gale before he was shot?

THANK YOU, I can't believe nobody else mentioned it

I am here and jesus christ, holy shit

Well, to be fair, there was a pretty big chance of him shooting Jesse as well. It's good that he didn't take that risk.