
I do, but only because I saw The Informant! twice. Not my idea either time.

I look back on my viewings of "Mulaney" and realize that the author is correct. The show was rather flat. I do so enjoy John's stand-up that I wanted the show to catch on and improve, but alas, it was not meant to be.

I realize that with the prevalence of laptops and wi-fi that hotel porn is less important, but it is a big money-maker for hotels.

Can't Hardly Wait for Godot

"You mean like Greg the Bunny?" I said to myself.

It's kind of shitty, as far as interface. It's cycle over to that "keyboard", click on an image, by the way that only copies it, then click and paste into text box.

Know what else was terrible? The Revenge of the Nerds TV pilot (included on the DVD of the movie). Many bullets have been dodged over the years.

Spectacular soundtrack. Never got around to actually seeing the movie.

That's a rare Seinfeld swear. The interview is worth it for just that alone.

I loved Jeremiah, which had the premise that a mysterious disease killed off everyone who had gone through puberty like 20 years prior, and this was the resulting world that the children (poorly) built. So I'll probably check this out just as a loose connection to Jeremiah, if nothing else.

The problem, I think, is that Kevin went and lost weight, but not enough, or perhaps, too much. He was funnier when he was fatter. And it's not like he got down to leading man weight.

Well done everyone.

I remember some friends (who were older by several years) that high school was the cut off for new music. That they and their friends seemed to have gotten stuck at that point musically. I was thinking, "Man that sucks for you, but I grew up with Napster and had greatly expanded my musical tastes during college." It

Well at least he got an AV Club article written about him.

Blah blah blah, blah. Charisma Carpenter nudity. Blah blah.

Damn it AV Club, I expected better from you. Sure, other crap sites are free to post a picture of the wrong set of Power Rangers. But you, you should know better.

You see the princess' tits. Or at least that's what the word on the school yard was.

I'm all about the bass… no, wait. I mean the middle of the games. And I mostly play RPGs, too. I have never beaten FF3/6, but I've logged hundreds of hours.

It gets better.

How were the reports false? Net-motherfucking-flix had those end dates on their own listings. I think it's more that some outcry (real or perceived) lead them to re-upping some contracts.