
Here in the states we call them sausages.

How do you pronounce Eli?

That clip really is something though, isn't it?

Gimme gimme FACTS! FACTS is what I need, FAAAACTS!

Can they not feel the sting of an insult from a barely known comic buried in an AV Club article?

I've enjoyed watching a lot of Anthony Bourdain's shows but man does he come off like an obnoxious, condescending asshole so much of the time. Guy Fieri is obnoxious but mostly because he's loud and says dumb things, plus that hair. On the other hand, he seems excessively nice. He's like the male Rachel Ray, but

Fair enough. But in your example you just need the correct punctuation to make the difference clear.

I see what you did there.

I agree with much of what you've written here about the superhero genre. I just find your means of emphasis irritating and distracting.

"And thirdly: it's not "shouting", it's specific word EMPHASIS."

I'd go watch that.

I've always assumed, unfairly perhaps, that it would be awful to hang out with Jared Leto. Maybe just because when I see his name in print I think of Jay Leno, who I hear is delightful in person, but I just don't like his name.