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    Hmm yes.

    Yes I think that a Marceline and Princess Bubblegum relationship would probably feel forced. I don't see a lot of chemistry between the two and I feel like it would only be for the sake of having a homosexual relationship on the show.

    With Ranoldo's internet video and the characters saying "humans 4ever w00t" at the end of this episode, I wonder if a humans vs aliens (gems) thing will happen.

    Uh probably, whoops. It's hard to keep track of everything in this show :P

    Part of me wants the Elephant to be some sort of awesome Deus ex machina thing in an intense episode. And another part of me thinks it could actually happen.

    How many topics in AT are there to explore at the moment?

    Oh so is that what that tear was?

    Was anyone else reminded of Goku from Dragonball when Greg was going through space during his song?

    Coincidence: UG and Steven's friendship is like Sugar's and the creator of UG's friendship. The crystal gems are the SU fans who hate UG (and who also can't lighten up).

    Why are people offended that UG showed up as Rose? I mean, being offended by a non-canon, all in good fun, and, let's not forget, fictional 5 second clip seems like an over reaction to me. Giving an entire episode an F based on a 5 second clip? Um, okay?