
Yeah but they just did that right before Nina left. Elena wasn't about anything but the guy before her memories were erased and let's not forget she was literally still wrapped up in a guy while her father figure was trying to get married. lol

I think the whole point of Stefan 'the good brother' is that he tries to do better even though he has this evil inside of him that could destroy. Damon on the other hand doesn't. The show tells us that Damon is redeemed because of Elena but we actually don't see him redeemed because he was still killing Whitmores and

I think this about Steroline but not Bamon. Bamon are just too good together for them not to become more.

I feel you on his 3 go tos.

I understand what you're saying because there were moments like that for me in the earlier seasons too - just never a Delena moment. It is sad to see this TVD compared to the once emotional and intriguing TVD of seasons past. Bonnie and Bamon are the only things keeping me watching right now. Bonnie's goodbye speech

First of all not having Bonnie or Bamon is already a negative for this show. I can't believe they would have two full episodes without Bonnie and Bamon. They are literally all I'm hanging in here for! Second of all I know what Plec was trying to do with Defan and she did have the boys highlight areas that need

I've been saying this, I want at least the last three seasons to be someones bad dream….but keep the Bamon dynamic ofc.

I agree with the recapper. Maybe a few of these episodes wouldn't be so bad on their own but when you're looking at the whole s7 it's been poorly written and executed. In the beginning I was intrigued by the flash forwards and thought maybe we were finally after three seasons getting back to exciting plot

Of course the show wants to play it both ways they want both fan bases (DB/DE) to keep the ratings. I think that's one of the things lacking this season they won't make a complete decision on anything. Look what they did with Klaroline/Steroline they want to keep everyone on the line.

I don't think he did either judging by the scene in his car.

All so true. You're second and last lines had me lol!

From watching next weeks tvd promo it's like Damon's taking two steps back. He says he can't be the brother/friend he needs to be without Elena and that's just a load of bull. Being with Elena didn't make him better and I hate how the show keeps forcing that on us when it wasn't true. He still killed and hurt her

I agree with everything except Bonzo. Enzo is still irrelevant for me, I think they waited too long to make him relevant.

This to me was just another recycled episode. It reminded me too much of the s2 finale where Stefan saves Damon and has to go off with Klaus. Except with the flash forwards you already know what's going to happen so I feel like along with the start of the season the rest of this season will be boring. As another

Could. Not. Agree. More.

I have to agree. If they're not going to stop with his whiny man pain then I hope the huntress takes care of him. At least that would be entertaining which the show is lacking.

That's what I don't get and the show should get by now is that by playing it safe didn't save them any viewers anyway. Elena is dead weight for this show moving forward, all she's good for is in the eyes of the shippers who only want her for their 'endgame' which I'm pretty sure Plec isn't giving. She's already said

So agree with this. Someone on another site said how they can't understand how a showrunner seems to purposely want to sabotage their own show and I could not agree more. Nina gave them a gift and they've done nothing with it!! It's mind boggling.