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    1. The part about only stupid people getting popped was eye opening. Thank You! You put the whole thing in context. 2. Hornswoggle got popped! Hahaha.

    Can somebody explain the so called "Wellness Policy?"

    So.. "Bests himself" is good in this context?

    You made me do a double take with this. I will check it out.

    When he doesn't want to wake up be he has to in order to get to a shoot, is he Walter Groggins?

    Just by sheer volume I can say that only a handful of British translations have been successful. You only hear about the good ones.


    I just don't understand what Neilsen's deal is. Their methods have been shotty to outright dumb for years. Nothing beats the hard date internet only services have access to. Why are they even sticking their heads in this? Are they trying to stay relevant?

    I don't understand what Neilsen has to do with this? Why is Neilsen using this to promote their service? Netflix know exactly how many viewers or at least unique IP addresses are being used. So did Netflix release this info or is Neilsen guessing what the numbers are on a service they have no part in?

    I saw that movie in one of the last drive-Ins. (I have said this fact 100 times and it turns out there are more drive-ins in the US than you think). Which is crazy because this was in the 1998.

    In the header pic: Samuel L. Jackson looks like her is wearing a vest with a print of Tarzan's dirty abs on it. Or vis versa.

    Teti is so great.

    I keep forgetting that was a plotline. Well, not a plotline, a location that the cameramen hung out in an captured footage.

    I am still mad at the ending. Mad isn't the right word. Disappointed? But I have watched the last episode multiple times on it's own since the show ended and even though it doesn't live up to the rest of the series, it makes me cry everytime. Against my better judgement.

    I only read the reviews.

    Thanks for showing me Blue Flowers.

    Why am I alive anymore?

    I wonder if the Tibet thing happened because they couldn't tell the difference between women. And they went ahead with it because they thought they were in talks with the same person.

    I will miss this.