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    I want Meghan to know that I support her avatar. There are too many haters out there who don't have the spine to deal with it. Never change.

    I kind of wanted Erlich's anger to stick. The team working under him in opposition would be interesting. He knows all of their games.

    I thought there were going to hire Bernice to describe and promote the platform as the face of the company. Wishful thinking!

    I still have not seen this all the way through. I am constantly amazed that this movie has built up a following. I always assumed it would come and go.

    It is always great to hear people who love what they do. Especially if they have paved their own way.

    This was incredible. "You know how you talk to people who just moved over and they say, “It’s black and white—it’s so different,” and you’re like, “How?” They say something general like, “The people,” but it’s everything. It’s space." That was such a powerhouse quote. So very true.

    That is terrible. $800. Damn.

    Honest question. I would ask this on Quora if I thought I would get responses. Isn't it cheaper to keep failing shows than spend the money promoting and producing 4 shows in the pipeline that you are unsure will work, to replace it? I do not understand the economics. I am aware that they want to keep their brands

    You should do an in depth interview with people who worked at ShowBiz pizza and Chuck E. Cheese during the boom. What was that like? There might be a lot of unknown stories to uncover.

    I never got to say I love you

    They are like lovers in the night. Points for both.

    Geology. Wha?!

    Just because it is a shark movies doesn't mean it is Jaws knockoff.

    "Finally a movie for Adults" one of the trailers for the movie says. How up it's own butt is that?

    Food. Just eating all kinds of branded food. Checking out local fast food chains or eating local snack brands. Experiencing packaging designs from all of the world and their advertising efforts is what does it for me.

    I always wanted to name a cat her name. Her full name is Imogen Gay Poots!

    Good guess.


    It is impossible to feel for characters who gain enlightenment through redemption and then immediately forget everything they have learned.

    Caputo and Healy are horrible people and the show seems to not know that. They build stories as if their characters are growing and become redeemed. These people shouldn't get a pat on the back. They are horrifying and thinking that there are people like this out in the world is disgusting. I feel like the show just