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    The grinder was great! I took it for granted.

    I shall at it to my list.

    Is the issue with the translation? Has anyone read the original?

    Have to see that!

    I was thinking Icewindale when I couldn't place Riverdale.

    Can anyone recommend any online groups or forums involving music and culture to a 28 year old? One place that might have topics / conversation I would be into?

    One of my favorite new shows. There is something REAL about the parents not hating each other. They are still best friends whether they like it or not. I hope there isn't a falling out on the show. Their relationship is the strongest element.

    I always stupidly thought the 1988 logo was being projected on the wall

    Don't the Duplass brothers request it for some of their stuff.

    This is a good indictment of a lot of modern television. Drama is not just about feeling bad it is about the actions you decide to take. Drama is in decisions.

    His remix of Tender is great.

    I just have to say, the most terrifying thing I have ever seen on The Walking Dead series happened this episode. The guy getting his skull smashed in and not immediately dying but clearly being brain dead gave me serious shivers. The way his eyes twitched! Gross! And Great!

    A whooper would be good.

    I am still watching videos. He is fantastic. I am however, disappointed by the characterization of Watson. He seems a little to "wink wink" to the audience. It is unnerving.

    I had never seen the Sherlock Holmes that was mentioned. I am intrigued. One complaint: The way in which actors were mic'd back in the day is weird. It is almost uncomfortable hearing all the shuffling of fabric.

    I wish the Preparation H bit stayed straight for a longer period. The first beat was perfectly acted and shot and could have been any old ad on tv.


    I just kept thinking about the Tour Guide. Was this a Five Nights at Freddy's situation where he answered an ad knowing full well that things come alive at night? Why possible reason did he have to continue working there knowing the place was haunted?

    I found the second episode to be a big improvement from the first. I am on board.

    This is my secret television pick. I tell no one I watch it but i will be devastated if it gets cancelled.