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    I will go back to it after reading this roundup. I loved the first two seasons but I started falling out of love in the last two.

    Yeah. I was fun. And I love Stephanie Weir.

    Can you explain the phrase Mary Sue? Does that mean a cute but plan female charecter? Or is it a specific reference.

    Is Ultron still on the upswing?

    I am behind watching this great little show. I clicked this article because I thought you were saying it was cancelled. Phew.

    Is that new movie Room about this? Why doesn't she give her son the clues?

    I will have to check that out next time I take a trip there.

    I really wanted to do this on a trip to St. Louis. My GF knows I love puzzles like this and even watch Jimmy Pardo's show but she refused. Because it would test our relationship and frustration levels.

    New Order is well known… but in everyone's defense, they influenced more bands than anything else. I can count their notable songs on one hand. Historically they are important but I can easy imagine a world where most of the discussions about them are about their progeny.

    I can vouch for it. I used to listen to it all the time.

    Wasn't curious…. But I am now.

    Not a day goes by that I don't shed a tear for that monkey's career.

    The one thing i liked is that it showed her to be a monster.

    The Dollop is somewhat family friendly. Maltin on Movies fits the bill. Don't Get Me Started might work. /Filmcast and the Tobolowsky files are clean. I am really trying here. The freedom of the format means that even the most innocuous podcast pushes at the edges. Out of fifty podcasts I have subscriptions to… that

    Thank you for the Pistol Shrimps Radio suggestion. I never would have found it. I already have listened to five of them. Perfect for driving to work and playing Counterstrike. There is something about hearing the games in the background that is sonically satisfying. I think it was the fourth episode where Matt tries

    Ok Ok. I will say that the Battlefront games do a great job getting you into the mindset of being a stormtrooper.

    I misread the premise. I thought it was "What Scene In Star Wars Best Captures It's Spirit?" I think none of the games have come close to be honest. In the movies…. hanging out in Obi Won's Yurt.

    You know it.

    I have a graphic design background and the thing I appreciated the most in this episode was the poster for Rooms: The Musical. Solid design.

    I book the book for a friend and he has been texting me photos of the MS paint level drawings. Best purchase I have made in years.