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    One more thing: I was somewhat expecting Withnail and I. I am having trouble getting out of my head and judging each scene by how another director would do it. Another film it remind me of in a "I wish it was more like this" kind of way is A Film with Me in It with Dylan Moran. It is not a great film but they did more

    Confession: I gave up. I will watch the rest of the film this weekend. I legitimately thought that maybe most people had issues with the film but I would be able to see a gem in it. As a comedian, I can find funny anywhere. This film just doesn't work. And the worst part? I think they had everything they needed. Had

    Great breakdown.

    Marc's impression of jason squirming was hilarious.

    Look at this…Curved TV– How do they do it? -Ben Affleck

    He is like a best friend who is secretly in love with you. He has a need to know that he is liked so he has validation.

    They will probably need all that money for the clusterfuck that will be the editing. And he will probably put $180,000 into making Film look even more like Film. $10 a grain.

    Make this true.

    When we first saw the graveyard, for a second I thought he was incapacitating the zombies and burying them "alive".

    Where can you go to watch them?

    It is interesting that there are two takes on showing ghosts. Some reviews say that is exactly what the series needed and is a great payoff and others are saying that takes the wind out of the sails.

    It is hilarious and deeply sad that all of us in the comments had the same experience. Shows on Yahoo don't even have a chance. They are DOA because of their busted interface.

    Is there a way for them to test if they lost money because there website is a piece of shit and not because they a spending money supporting shows?

    I think the issue with the film is the entire premise. I say this as fan. It is a small movie that tries to be a big fantasy film. That is the whole idea but it would have been better served staying small. I love the film because of all the small moments. The travel is better than the destination.

    They are the lowpoint of the film. Don't tell anyone.

    They used to date.

    Found it. But I also found a new book from 2014 called Grosslumps by P.F.Chills

    Off to Amazon.

    Did they make that into a straight to VHS movie? That sounds super familiar.

    The art direction looks great. They really brought his covers to life. Does anyone know if the original artists who did his book covers were credited in the film?