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    What is interesting is how personal it felt. It felt more personal than any other game I have ever played. I wonder if there is a game out there that can top this. I have played personal games before about death and illnesses but those games always take me out of it. The way everything is presented in this game allows

    My tivo cut off the last two minutes. I literally yelled at the tv.

    That is what I am thinking.

    Like Misfits…

    I find myself annoyed by every second of this show. They have failed to innovate. I will say I am finding the Underground Railroad stuff to be mildly interesting. It at least feels like a lived in community.

    I hope it is something really unforgivably dark.

    Why Why Why did they waste the drama that could have been there if Portal kid spent the whole season afraid to teleport himself. That seems completely in his character. They just wasted that tension on a dumb moment.

    It is coming back soon!

    They did a real poor job on that movie trailer. offh

    I somehow misread this as "A lawyer chases cheese in this so-so German Drama." And my first thought was how could this NOT be interesting.

    As much as this episode bored me, I have to say the "romance" elements finally paid off for me.

    Yeah. I haven't seen The Chair (which he is on) yet but I am looking forward to it. EDIT: I posted this at the exact second Lev said that the show blew. Too bad. I will still check it out… eventually.

    Jason is the perfect modern Batman Villain. Not actually a bad guy but a man who is willing to use others as pawns in his game. I truly applaud the crazy moves he is making. Against all odds, everything seems to be going his way. You have to love it.

    I am so glad this is being covered. This is my favorite thing. Also, shout out to my buddy Connor as the main guy in Mann's scene submission.

    And that first thing turns out to be important and vetoing makes him look like a monster.

    I was surprised how in depth his answer was to his hobby. Color me impressed.

    Good point with the secretary.

    I wasn't going to post these gripes but no one is talking about them. Why did everyone have to go to the puppy furnace party? That seemed so unbelievable that they would even be seen together after the hack. And what the heck did they do with the dogs? They just stole them? Great, now everyone is going to be arrested


    Chrisly is one of his personas.