
A+ MS Paint job on that headline picture, Sam.

Good timing, I just watched that X-Files episode with baby Jack Black and Giovanni Ribisi. It was a lot of fun.

Pointing out violent or sexual undertones in media meant for children is the lowest form of art.

Also pretty depressing: the sigh of relief I let out when I saw that this headline *wasn't* a GJI article.

Wow, it looks like one of those Lucas Lee movie posters from Scott Pilgrim.

"Touch a button. Things happen."

At least you guys get actual actors in your "famous person" voice overs. In Italy we get soccer players*, models, singers, or whatever vapid, unfunny and barely intelligible TV personality is "hot right now" and has a couple of spare hours to spend in a recording booth.

On the other hand, it WILL give him more material for "PEE-YEWW" jokes!

"New Radicals" sounds like it should be one of Spinal Tap's past names.

Q: Are we not men?
A: A. Dowd

I haven't seen the whole series yet but I would totally include "Sanctuary" and "Five by Five". I was watching it in parallel with Buffy and I really love what those episodes did for both Angel and Faith's characters.

Diabolus ex Machina?

Against my better judgment, I've started a modest challenge run of Final Fantasy 5 (the FF5 Four Job Fiesta - you can read more [here] if you're so inclined). I never liked FF5 for two reasons: one, the plot is dorkalicious and two, I'm so OCD that I usually waste a lot of time and ruin the game for myself by needing

Sweet deals are made of this

I don't typically click on Good Job, Internet articles but this is as good a place as any to say: I've been hoping for a while that in the superhuman movie craze some studio will inadvertently buy the rights to make a Dayman movie.
Alternatively that could also make for a good Always Sunny episode, I guess. I'd love

I dunno, I think now more than ever it makes sense to keep his beanie, considering hipster fashion.

So you can't say you hate America in America? Land of freedom, my ass.

In Italian, her name means THE BIG ARYAN. Coincidence? I think not

Another classic case of mixing up correlation and causality.

The mortal enemy of the sunnite boogie