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    I loved Season 4. Could only enjoy 3-4 episodes at most in season 3 but this season the show found itself again imo.Can't wait for season 5 (especially as a Schmece shipper and Cece admirer) and I loved the slow build up this season so much, it was definitely well done after the mess we got in Season 3. Schmidt was

    I remember everything unfortunately, and I hated it. So "No, thank you"

    Agreed! But I actually love Paul more, I was s happy to see him back haha. Wouldn't say "No" to Ryan too tho. Loved Jyan :D


    I adore Hannah and Cece! She brings so much! I am so happy Hannah became recurring this season and I coulnd't be happier about getting more Cece next season! I am so excited for it. Tho I am not harsh on Zooey or Jess as much as you are, I do find Jess' character generally annoying lol. Schmidt, Cece and Winnie are my

    I hope they won't make them a couple again. Schmidt and Cece bring the heart for me not Nick and Jess, always have always will. And I do like to watch them as friends more tbh. They are way more better as friends and fun to watch. Season 4 was amazeballs imo and I cannot wait for Season 5 and have more Cece too <3