
Based on the comments it doesn't seem worthwhile to argue any of the points made. Instead I'll just remind everyone that horrific, deplorable violence is okay as long as people don't say any naughty words.

Sam and Arya being very different characters with very different motivations, it stands to reason one might act differently than the other. Surprising, I know. (That said, we certainly spent too much time in and around Assassin HQ)

I'd argue Tom Welling was pretty successful bringing superheroes to the CW, considering that's basically all the network broadcasts nowadays

Gacy actually did some work for the Democrats and aspired to political office

Whatever. Iron Giant.

Keep in mind that this is for Spike…I suspect a good deal of the criticism levelled here is because of the network knowing their audience.

That's what I get for trusting a wiki…

So, as far as I can tell (correct me if I'm wrong) people are upset that a) it's a 'lazy' premise; b) it trivializes slavery; c) it will get the alt-rightards to explode with boners so powerful that structures will collapse as if Roland Emmerich were a documentarian…

You realize that happened in the book first, right?

Agreed; he's the addition I'm most excited about, I want to see him get some credit!

While it might not be the case in this particular movie (I haven't seen it, so I don't know), I'd suggest that in some cases the lack of comment or criticism on violence is in itself a comment or criticism on violence, or at least how people/society-at-large respond to it. One would hope that intention can be read in

Not sure "funny" is the right word…point taken though

Is she not already there?

That's fair, but I'd suggest that person's pickiness is on them and you can flip the situation; as in, leave them behind or go to the place you prefer and have them deal with it (a more moderate position might be to have an alternating choice, where Picky Pete chooses the restaurant one time and you choose the next).

You seem to be in the vast minority having a child who is willing to be adventurous with food. The reason these things are staples on kids' menus is because lots of kids WON'T EAT ANYTHING ELSE. Also, what's it to you if someone prefers to eat something they like and are comfortable with? How does this affect your

It's Pearl Mackie…right there in the article…

Littlefinger is FAR too clever and secretive to warrant a pumpkin comparison.

How obnoxious.

Bad Religion — 17 times in almost 20 years

Has anyone actually watched This is Us? It seems so nauseatingly saccharine I don't think I'd be able to stand it…