
This is key. The world of IP law has changed drastically over the 40 years between then and now. It's actually kind of a miracle that the Gaye family has any claim over the music at all.

There was a scheduling conflict.

I don't think we know enough about Sy's relationship with Emmitt, or Emmitt's past (how he built his business, etc) to REALLY judge his incompetence at this point. That said, he's certainly out of his depth…

At least Handlen tried to try some research this time…

I think people who use that aspiration as an excuse to ignore real issues will find any excuse they can to maintain said ignorance while not seeming a direct bigot. Perhaps this is an unintended silver lining of the current political age — those who actually refute progress are emboldened, making them that much

Certainly now that Burnside is out.

I agree…that tends to be the case (it's no surprise right-wing blowhards are the ones who most enjoy making that claim). But I'd suggest that hoping people start seeing the world that way (and engaging with it as such, in a way that will allow us to without being ignorant) and using that ideal as a goal is different

Because it isn't out yet?

Fair, that was just the first result I saw but I probably should have been more discerning. There are plenty more reliable sources out there though.

While this clown is clearly wrong basically 98% of the time, and is certainly wrong about yogurt causing tuberculosis and refugees causing violence…Greek yogurt is actually pretty bad for the environment: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/…

Part of the nature of the segment is that it's necessarily shallow because we don't really know much about these people, which is the point Oliver is making.

Thanks everyone for your replies…I understand the ethical/professional standards (that tend to be unwritten, but easy to recognize), but I'm still curious about the legality of it. Any business worth a damn (and plenty that aren't) will have clear policy guidelines regarding physical contact, but policy =/= law,

I'm ignorant regarding the specifics of the law in the relevant jurisdiction…but is wanting to hug someone as a greeting sexual harassment? I can see how, given context, a hug can turn creepy in a hurry and certainly skirt that territory but I can't imagine wanting to give someone a friendly hug qualifies…naturally

Someone above suggested this already, but I think they can get away with it if they use the same girl who played X-23…she was EXCELLENT.


No, you're supposed to feel bad about considering a human life "ephemera"

Oh, don't get me wrong, we're nowhere close…inching closer, but still a long ways away.

Hence the "I know it's inevitable" part. Also, brace yourself for the freakout when the new Wolverine is a mixed race woman. (I know about the comics)

I know it's inevitable, but no one can be Wolverine in a post-Logan world. Certainly not by 2020.