
Try the new game on VR and I promise it will be a different form of crap you're complaining about ;)

Here's hoping we get to find out…Mayweather certainly isn't going to step into the octagon.

Hi! I'm Derpacleese, of the planet Kontrareon. I also don't like things and feel the need to tell other people who like things that I don't like the things they like, even when those people don't care and I contribute nothing by saying so! Let's be friends!

Well they're three human men..of COURSE they're mad about Mads

But you can hear about both thanks to the Flop House! They're mad about Mads!


So the religious extremists are the Hollywood liberals imposing their will on Muslims? Or is the religious extremist the pumpkin and he's imposing his will on Muslims? Or are Muslims imposing their will on Hollywood?

No what? No hugs?

Thank you for your reasoned response :) I'm still waiting for someone to explain why moving a family is such an awful thing…

They REALLY need to give each other hugs…seems like no one listened to them when it came time to vote…

I reckon "chickenshit" is a perfectly good word, I just wanted to make sure you meant the government was being chickenshit as opposed to the judoka being chickenshit. "Reprehensible" works too, though…

To be clear, the "chickenshit" part is attributed to the Iranian government, and not the judoka?

Well if Stalin got involved…oops.

Oh I'm certain you're right, but I reckon he's just the most public about his disapproval. The only way Paul Ryan can get hard is imagining himself in the Oval Office, he just plays the game more (cough) subtly (cough).

Beat you to it, pal ;) I really hope this sticks (he and another Iraqi whose wife serves in the armed forces have filed a lawsuit) and it motivates people to actually vote in the mid-terms

While I agree that the Republican power base (not voter base) has been smiling while eating shit, I think there are a lot of influential GOPers who are (rightly) worried about the pumpkin's unpredictability. Guys like McConnell and Ryan are thinking about 2018 elections and how the pumpkin might motivate people to

Two Iraqis were barred from entering the US and have since filed a lawsuit; one was an interpreter for the US military and the other is married to a US citizen who works for the armed forces. Hopefully this will shake things up in a positive fashion…

There will not be a notcake

Take a look at tax law. Also consider Brexit. You're not providing sources (which may prove me wrong), but it seems to me that he's doing what's best for his family by moving.

You fail to understand what made Alien so excellent. I also presume you've not played Alien Isolation…