
Chirrut says his when he introduces himself…I don't recall if/when Baze says his.

It did: Chirrut Imwe. The other is Baze Malbus.

You're wrong about everything except the choking pun. And baffling CGI choices.

Thank you for your thoughts; well said. I think you articulated what I'm getting at — there is inherent cultural division centred around the 'ideal' of the white guy, and I'm hoping that we learn to move past that sooner than later. That said, I'm troubled sometimes by the means with which some attempt to break the

Not necessarily…I do wonder about the mentality/motivation of using such characters in a narrative that is so inherently violent, though.

I was using "progressive" as it was used in the article, meaning I took it to suggest that using female/queer characters in the game implies a 'moving forward.' I may have misunderstood the use of the word, but I doubt it.

To somewhat clarify: I think diversity HAS value; I don't think it IS a value.

I don't think diversity is a value in the first place, to be technical about language.

Hey, as long as you're open-minded, you're on the right track! I think your views represent a great majority of people — we want to be entertained and don't really care all that much what someone looks like (or who they fuck or what bathroom they shit in). A human story is a human story :)

I think you have a strong point in the broader sense…with gaming, though, identity is often so stripped away that gender/race/whatever is basically whatever the player decides.

Thanks for the (spoiler-filled :p) insight…the game absolutely integrated the different characters in a fashion that fit the story without forcing 'diversity' into it…it was simply the story of the people and that was that.

I have a feeling you are the opposite of a bad person, and I mean that honestly :)

Ha the beetles fucking suck, rolling up other species' poo and such

Your question is my point…sort of. When you're behind the eyes (literally, as it's a first-person game) of a character, things like gender are ultimately irrelevant. The player is inherently invited to place themself into the character, regardless of his/her/its identity. The character could be a trans-gender

So a game that involves stealthy, secretive murder is progressive because it's a lady doing the killing? (Yes, I know you're not FORCED to kill anyone in most gameplay scenarios)

It took me until just the other day to pick Doom up and hot damn I don't know why I waited so long. Fucking AWESOME.

Yes, that's how taxes work…

Was this said to draw a laugh though? I didn't listen to the audio (and don't intend to) but the way it's been presented through news media, it didn't seem like the type of conversation that would lend itself to comedic riffing.

No facts have been laid, jackass. Certainly not by you.

That's totally fair.