
Yes, it certainly is hard to keep track ;)…I don't think that William is in the past at all, based on how he and Dolores came upon the buried town. The 'test' town that Dolores flashes-back to is the one that we see Ford looking upon when he announces his new narrative, except it's buried up to the steeple in both

I'm asking how force that would cause death/serious injury inflicted upon a guest by a host would physically manifest. Like if a host were to use enough force to non-lethally stab a guest in the side, would it hurt? Would it cause a scratch or bleeding? If they laid the groundwork for this, I honestly forget.

Is that how it works though? It's been a while since I saw when/how they set that up, so please remind me how a guest 'reacts' in the face of what should be lethal force from a host.

I would suggest there's broader story impact in using her, once a welcoming park 'greeter' and now a violent, angry piece of what amounts to litter. I think it implies that she (and other hosts) are evolving beyond their initial programming in ways that haven't necessarily been accounted for. Perhaps she has been

Fair point…to me it's part-intentional red herring and part-indication that MiB has been around the park a LONG time and is familiar with both how things work (retirement/repurposing of hosts) and the hosts themselves.

Uh oh, two independent thought alarms in one day. The children are overstimulated. Remove the coloured chalk!

Right, but not even enough for him to bleed, looked like…it should have been a fatal blow (and I think the smash jump to her slashing Clementine the same way was at least partially meant to underline this)

"Thank you for your comment, it is indeed the world of television"

Yeah, people are putting too much into the fact he recognizes Angela…the guy has clearly been in the park for a LONG time; it's not beyond belief he might run into the same host in a different context.

The key inconsistency, I think, is that MiB seemed to be a shell of a man from the start, and it took killing Maeve and her daughter to realize some form of meaning in life/the narrative. William, meanwhile, found meaning in life/the narrative through Dolores. I don't think William could evolve into a sociopathic

Bernard left Theresa's office as soon as Elsie called him, and told her he'd be in his office. Sufficient time would have passed for him to get to Elsie.

I'm mostly being cheeky; either way I don't see how what I'm saying suggests some kind of conspiracy…

I posted this elsewhere, but it's an interesting read regarding how SNL might deal with this portrayal going forward: https://theringer.com/satur…

Still trusting the polls, hey?

Katie Baker at The Ringer suggested SNL could/should either ignore Trump entirely (opting to go for other targets…we all know how he loves the spotlight) or have McKinnon play him…it's an interesting read, especially the bits about how attempts to satirize political targets can often backfire, humanizing the intended

Curious about where you're getting your stats on this…

Funny that you word it that way…here's an old Onion article in which Drew Brees (referred to often by Saints fans as "Our Lord and Saviour Breesus Christ) muses about the same thing: http://www.theonion.com/art…

Thanks, I think…

Interesting that you chose that particular number, because if only 1 in 100 had gone the other way it would have gone the other way…