
I think that a big part of it is that liberals/Democrats were over-confident. The polling usually showed a strong Clinton lead and news outlets gave her a 99% chance to win, so blue voters stayed home. Also, voter suppression tactics have become more nuanced and effective…

Any time a person says "I like all music, except country" I respond with "Do you like Johnny Cash?" and the response is unequivocally something like "Oh…yeah…"

It's frustrating because she's become/becoming the thing that I think a lot of people feared about the show initially — the manic pixie dream girl who has no basis in reality. The show did a great job proving that there were other, engaging characters to build around, but they've let it slip with Jess. (Hot damn I

Very well said; in some ways it reminds me of April and Leslie (and April and Ron, and April and Andy…and almost every relationship in the show) in Parks and Rec…

I was really expecting a reveal that it wasn't a scarf, rather like a robe-type thing that would let Cece see (SEE what I did there? /anticipates tomatoes being tossed) more of his body because she likes it, or something like that. Greenfield plays the character so well that it kinda doesn't matter, though.

Has anyone seen the commercial in which the dad raises his daughter on South Park? 9 years ago when my nephew was born I got his dad a case of beer, his mom flowers and him, as an infant, the 3rd season of South Park (chose that season because it had the most episodes). They didn't quite pull off what I was hoping

Disagree that Dark Knight isn't great, but agree that we have to get away from the precedent-setting thing (hence my Peter Jackson/Deadpool chirps).

Oh it was brilliantly executed, don't get me wrong.

EDIT to my previous comment (I suck at internet, sorry for not including this in the original response). The Dark Knight is a truly great film. I get your criticism, but it's coming from a 20/20 hindsight place. Plenty of films have been over-stuffed because people saw TDK make a hundred billion dollars, but it's

As much as I think Two-Face was executed *relatively* well (compared to say, Venom in Spider-Man 3); I agree. I think we're staring down the barrel of a similar thing happening with Deadpool's R-rated success — these stories don't necessarily need to be told this way.

May I ask a broader question? How do we define "modern"?

Yes, that's true. Both of them should have been in the top five regardless; is anyone going to remember The Reader? We only remember Benjamin Button because it was such a fart-fest after Zodiac was so good…Milk and Frost/Nixon were both political choices that, while perfectly decent, will not end up in a time

The Dark Knight is really the reason…not that I want to ever detract anything from the awesomeness of Wall-E

Yeah, that's totally true, but I ignored factual accuracy for the joke. Also, RDJ has been in at least 90 Disney movies since then, so it still works ;)

"Did you say best Disney movie?!?!" /superhero landing

I haven't thought of Dead to Rights in YEARS! Nice pull!!!

I want to respond in greater detail, because I think you've done a great job expressing some very cogent points; but, like I said, I'm half-drunk and exhausted, and even at my best fuck up at internetting, so I'll try to keep it to this: normalization.

The reason I initially included the bit about acknowledging the value of satire is kinda the point here…I'm failing on execution here but basically trying to say that plenty of famous people take whites to task (often justifiably) and it's not hard to find examples of that.

Valid point, and to explain, I was going with the low-hanging fruit (as in, not necessarily thought through) in my reply simply because it was a thing that happened over this past weekend . Still, he works (generally) as an avatar for the non-white comedian making fun of whiteness. Don't pretend that there's not

One just hosted SNL.