
Gotcha…in my experience it's VERY rare for a woman who is interested in me to come right out and say it; call me out-of-touch, but women have always preferred that I make my interest clear first, and I know I've missed out on opportunities because I wasn't forward enough (again, this is just in my personal experience).

Hi all, I have a sad story to tell. My ex-girlfriend took her life in early October. She was my very first girlfriend in grade school, some 20 years ago…first girl I kissed, first boobs I touched (sorry that sounds crass, but it's a big deal to a teenage boy!!). We connected off-and-on for a few years after that,

I'd suggest that Yoga Fire isn't necessarily sure about the signals a woman gives off to show interest, and that's a crucial part of the problem…

May I ask for some clarification? Like, your age and (general) social situation (as in high school, college, other)…

I reckon we agree that it's good that the public is more aware of the situation…I guess my big problem with the Facebook thing lies in the difference between being aware and being informed. Hopefully one leads to another, but I think we've all borne witness to enough examples of 'click-I-helped-what's-next' to take a

Should have listened…hot damn, should I have listened.

I think your second point is a big one…I'm curious as to how much coverage say, FOX News has given to the protests compared to CNN; I can see some of them getting off over the stormtroopers and armoured vehicles but I have to imagine they're far more interested in speculation over emails…

Shhh you're blowing up my spot!

"Hey c'mon man!"

Not to the degree of this past week; also, some drunks being stupid after a football game is to be 'expected,' and a hundred arrests in such a circumstance would be unusual/excessive enough to probably command news coverage: https://www.washingtonpost….

Eat it for calling me an idiot, idiot.


Yes, exactly this. The whole 'tracking through Facebook' thing is a nice little narrative that helps slacktivists feel like they're actually contributing meaningful action in some fashion.

I'm not convinced there is a connection…this smacks of hashtag activism, but it lets people feel like they're actually contributing more than a click. The sheriff doesn't need to target a protestor on Facebook in order to arrest them (whether it's right or wrong that arrests are made is another issue).

Is this show actually good and/or cheesy fun? I've been considering giving it a try (especially when Tricia Helfer turned up) but no one I know has seen it…

I agree that it's been muddled, insofar as the execution could be a lot better/clearer. But, sloppiness aside, I think Carol has lost the certainty she had when she was freaking Sam out (something that at least contributed to his and his family's deaths). Carol has never really been one to question — even in the

I don't think that Carol knows what she wants either, and that's kind of the point…

At this point I'm not entirely sure that even Tom Hardy knows what Tom Hardy's voice sounds like…

I said as much below, probably just as you were posting this, but I would argue that Jaws is very much a 'traditional' horror movie in many (most) ways…

I have to kind of disagree with you on Jaws…the idea of something horrifying and (almost) supernaturally powerful stalking you, unseen and unheard until it's too late is pretty common to 'traditional' horror films.