
I presume you're talking about AlienS ;)

That's an interesting point you make — I would think that the closer to "this could really happen" a film gets, the more horrific it becomes. That said, I think your overall point is correct in that there's something about the "horror" genre that inherently exists outside of reality.

Correct. The conversation I think we're having here is how to define artistic endeavours that don't necessarily fall into a category, and I hope for lots of discussion! :)

Good point, but if we're being super-stringent about the definition of sci-fi, I don't know that either of the first two Alien films necessarily qualify…

Interesting position! I agree that home invasion movies don't automatically qualify as "horror" films (even though they portray one of the most horrifying things that might actually happen). What genre would you put Funny Games or, say, The Purge, in then? Thriller?

I'm with you, but I'd argue Aliens is a straight-up action movie more than a sci-fi one…

What happens if your name is Tom and your nephew calls you Uncle Tom?

just "Special Edition" his face over Alec Guiness' in updated versions of the old movies. Easy.

Ewan's Obi-Wan was a rare bright point during the prequels. A story about his shame/exile after the rise of Vader could be truly awesome in the right hands.

Oh shit maybe! In another time…..(/ominous score plays)

Did you perhaps think of Billy Pilgrim? I know I did…

As an old punk rocker that saw NOFX's The Decline performed in full (a 19 minute punk track, for those who don't know)…I am jealous. It's so great when awesome performers give awesome performances.

I have a funny feeling most of the people around here don't have much love for Bill Maher; but please at least catch the New Rules clip about Ken Bone. It should be readily available on youtube by now. Uproxx tends to cover Maher, but it's not a certainty that they will have clips.

I'm totally with you, but something seemed off about that particular comment and I thought I recognized the username. Otherwise I agree with you (I think) — let's evaluate a comment on it's merits.

I'm not one to go into comment histories, but hot damn, dude. I expected better.

Two words: Colin Kaepernick.

Hasn't worked so far…

Yes, that's absolutely true — my ultimate point (regardless of how poorly it has been expressed) ties into that, I think — willful ignorance can only arise in an environment that allows it to do so.

Not peanuts…or gluten…:p
