
That is one of my favourite little Simpsons moments ever!!

Even if his mission is noble, Leo probably isn't the right guy to be a representative. He proved he doesn't know his shit as well as a UN rep should when he thought a chinook was climate change happening before his eyes…

I think the officiating is a big issue. It feels like every play ends with a flag and this causes games to drag in the most frustrating way imaginable.

Just to clarify my earlier reply: I don't mean to suggest that men lack agency when they are disrespectful to women; my point was that people don't choose to be dumb or raised in a society that looks upon such behaviour as acceptable (or even worthy of celebration). There's still almost always individual choice in a

I don't agree that it's a choice, necessarily…but yes, the concept is pretty basic.

Ha, as someone who routinely isn't clear enough, I'm with you (on both the troubles that can arise from assuming too much and on the FUCK TRUMP part) :)

Who would have believed 10 months ago that the sane parts of America would WELCOME a Bush/Clinton election!?!?

I get where you're coming from…but let's hope that at least there's a straw that broke the camel's back. Not excusing his supporters for sticking around so long, but whatever it takes to make sure this ass-clown doesn't get elected.

Unfortunately it does need saying, given the millions who still plan to vote for the pumpkin…thank you for clarifying, though :)

I care, as a human male who does not tolerate the kind of attitude the pumpkin expressed to Bush Jr. Jr..

Depending on what's accepted as canon, Wolverine didn't really know what he was getting into…

I'd say the bath situation is closer to Wolverine than Captain America…

Don't forget the daddy issues shared by Nick and Jake…

But apparently it is, if so many men have such a difficult time with the concept…

Nailed it.

Probably because it had gross women in it. Ew!!!

I think the pumpkin very intentionally let her lead with the response to that question…it really felt like she was digging deep for that one.

I guess you could…not go online?

Interesting that Hillary complimented him on his kids last night…

I'm not accusing her of anything. I don't know why you're focusing your anger on me; she deleted emails on a private server, she's said more than once that she made a mistake in doing so. Maybe target her with your next bilious attack, in that case.