
I'm not trolling (I don't think you know what that term actually means). I presented an argument that was backed up by facts and research. You called me names. If anyone here is a troll, it's you.

Still, he's probably going to end up as the 2020 Republican candidate…

Speaking for myself, I do as best I can. But I feel like someone who is so fucking degraded that they would even consider sexual assault or rape is past the point of no return…I've gotten in fights over it before, but even if I beat someone up, they're not cured of their gross mentality (they're extra not-cured if

I think you might have ended up on the wrong site…I reckon you're looking for something with "drudge" or "breitbart" in the URL…

I get what you're after…and I'm one of those hashtag not all men guys who tries to stand up for the majority of males who treat women with the respect they deserve…

High five on the run-off idea as a concept…keep in mind that format has allowed some pretty extreme politicians to gain clout in Europe…It's a tough balancing act — as flawed as FPTP is (I know ALL about that, but still enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing it!) and only God knows how the electoral college actually

Sadly, you're wrong (in my experience)…

You're 100% correct; I was trying to make a point that the label applied to people like Lincoln don't necessarily adhere to people like Bush (or the pumpkin, who has no real party affiliation in practice, as far as I can tell). Lord knows Lincoln hasn't had a day's rest this past year, he's been so busy rolling in

That's a great point. (Honest question) are you implying that Americans need to ditch the two-party system? If so, how can that be achieved?

I see your point…but Hillary did a pretty good job making him a clown without hitting below the belt; I certainly won't complain if she does it again and the pumpkin continues to walk into the traps.

Hey now, don't lump bluegrass in with the pumpkin! It prefers songs written and performed by people it hates!

A billion upvotes.

That and they were all members of the same political party…

I wish I could just agree that she doesn't need it (Trump voters are going for him regardless, and they represent a frightening number of Americans), but I'd love to see her rub his weird butthole mouth in the shit at least once more

It doesn't matter what comes, fresh goes better in life, with Mentos fresh and full of life! Nothing gets to you, staying fresh, staying cool, with Mentos fresh and full of life! Fresh goes better, Mentos freshness, fresh goes best with Mentos fresh and full of life!!!!!!!!!

Do you think she has another Machado-esque trap set?

Oh, and I'm still attaching your Chick-fil-A love with a hatred of LGBT people, because it's the internet and I'm allowed to.

I didn't think I was jumping into a fight; you seemed entirely misinformed and came off like a loon, so I provided some actual facts (McD's makes most of their money off rent). You've done nothing to prove me wrong AT ALL. If anything you're the one who comes off like a jackass. You can't even link to the source

I really want her to say exactly zero words and just let the pumpkin continue to dig his own grave.

Let's just hope this is the straw that breaks the pumpkins back…when people like Paul Ryan remove him from a speaking engagement, you know it's serious the way it should have been a year ago.