
I'm already a pariah around here, so thanks for continuing to reduce me to a hashtag/comic strip.

I can see you getting very high up on a pedestal, otherwise, I'm not sure.

First of all, thank you for clarifying intelligently (rather than just call me an asshole, which seems to be the trend) :)

No, you definitely didn't understand me. I take the blame for communicating poorly and hoping readers would understand — my approach is that something as serious as a comet crash is as serious as a sexual assault.

I belong on that list…but not the same one PHOTO is on…the overwhelming sense of entitlement list.

Because I was being hyperbolic and wanted to hang a lantern on it.

Hashtags are fun!

I put the whole (I know it's not the same) right after the part you quoted for a reason.

I'm with you 100%

Nobody else mentioned it. If I were to say "I can't trust a black person" how would that go over? I reacted specifically to what she said; I didn't read anything into it, I took the words as the words. (Seems like this is something you could learn…).

Thank you for your intelligent and heart-felt response. Thank you also for bringing up a part of the discussion that has so far gone unspoken.

I fully agree, but we have to look at the reality of the situation…

I twisted Adele's words only insofar as I misquoted her. Here is the quote I took issue with: "I could see your point that there's no harm in the mere request if men could be trusted to handle a no gracefully. But they can't."

Honestly, you're headed for trouble if you pursue anything. 10 hours away is 10 too many hours away.

From Adele (to whom I initially responded): "I could see your point that there's no harm in the mere request if men could be trusted to handle a no gracefully. But they can't."

Interesting…I might be remembering this wrong, but didn't Sasha Grey end up in some kind of legal battle over this very issue? ("This very issue" being the idea of an organized porn actors union)

I acknowledge I twisted Adele's words there.

It's too bad that's a hashtag to you. I'll be the first to admit that men (including myself) have a hard time with rejection. I have made some very regrettable decisions to that end (nothing that ever got anyone hurt, just so that's clear).

As I just responded to Adele, she's making a fair point, generally. But her wording was…not ideal. Most men are able to take "no" for an answer; we don't all fail the same.

That's fair, and totally true. That doesn't give you the right to paint all men with the same brush. I don't want to sound like an MRA, but keep in mind that most of us are actually decent human beings.