
I think part of why people don't like her so much is precisely because she's NOT easily ignored…

I haven't seen that, thanks for the tip. Generally speaking though, Ruffalo isn't taking the types of roles that allow for comedic chops to shine. He's excellent in most everything I've seen him in, he's just not a funny guy, which is fine. That said, I can see how he's a capable enough performer to be able to

Ruffalo's filmography and media presence don't add up to the same kind of comic presence of a Chris Hemsworth. Nothing wrong with that, just saying he's not an inherently funny dude in the same way, and I don't think he wants to be.

He's awesome, he just doesn't have the comedic pedigree suggested above. He can be wryly funny when called upon, but he's not 'comic.' (He's deadly serious like all the time!)

Counterpoint: Mark Ruffalo (don't know if he counts as a "lead," but still)

"Alienating our core audience since 2015!"

I think that Helen chose her profession very much because she hoped to pursue justice, and (as with so many lawyers) the reality of the system eventually wore her down — the same is true of Box. The two are kindred spirits in that sense; I think part of her motivation for tracking down Ray was to ease her conscience,

That's what I'm getting at…comedy (so far as we know from the article) isn't divided while music is; I'd suggest that the worst comedy can be at least equally as bad as the worst music…

Interesting that "comedy" falls under the purview of "fine art" but 'music' doesn't.

I'm pretty sure they did exactly that when the list was released.

Cathey is pretty great on Outcast if you're looking for more Cathey in your life.

Until I hear otherwise I'm taking that as a yes

Elliott Kalan? Is that you?

We'll see how that works out. Both me not chuckling about hair commercials (unlikely) and whether his plan actually goes into effect as advertised with promised results (probably less likely). Shirtless, sexy hikes won't help with either, I can tell you that much.

Not trying to minimize whitey's contribution to the horrors of the past, but 'good' list either way

They'd probably be up towards the top, yes. The Mongols were REALLY fuckin vicious though…I suspect whitey wins but not by as much as contemporary discourse would suggest.

Because of like, Mongols and Aztecs and several Chinese dynasties and shit…those guys were pretty bad too…not taking white guys off the hook, just saying.

Oh yeah, totally forgot he did those for a few years! That's another good spot for out-of-market fans to at least hear his awesome voice (unfortunately he's reading off a script so it's only half the experience, but good call either way).

He's not necessarily well known in the States, but Jim Hughson, who calls hockey for CBC is a god among mortals in the business. He hits nearly every of these criteria, even spending a period of time alone in the booth a la Scully, easily handling the responsibility (many preferred this setup).

Yeah, what a terrible person for thinking her best friend might not be ready for sex. I wish more best friends would encourage underage girls into engaging in behaviour with consequences they may not be prepared for. Or at least just go along with it. Sorta like when best friends tell someone they might need to