Crew, sets, staff, rights, and everything else needed to make a show worthy of being picked up by a real network. No one is picking up MST3k season one now as it had many more big budget seasons thereafter.
Crew, sets, staff, rights, and everything else needed to make a show worthy of being picked up by a real network. No one is picking up MST3k season one now as it had many more big budget seasons thereafter.
Nostalgia will fade from simply watching old episodes. I am watching a lot of this show now. Sometimes a few episodes per day. Some I cannot even make it through. they are piss poor bad. I know there are episodes that are pure gold perfect, but the show always had some stinkers.
Some of them were really funny though. The "Screaming Skull" free coffin gag is hilarious.
Mike was the better host. He was an affable gent who seemed like he was having fun. Joel didn't. Ever. Even in the early going. Maybe he is too much 1980s comedian. I don't know. His delivery is grating.