
First of all, A flame shield probably doesn't even last long and are you really suggesting they go see Flambo everytime they want to touch? (if they can even find him, hes not always around). And second, they still can't kiss without endangering the world. Even with the flame shield. Because shes unstable and all

Shes unstable and the only flame person that had to be locked up because of that. so kissing of any kind would probably destroy the world (flame shield or not). It was widely pointed out in Burning Low and in this episode as well.

Shes still awkward as fuck. Her lines tonight didn't even sound natural.

She gives them adventures. The show is called "Adventure Time". Which is why she is in more episodes than any other princess. If she wasn't a genuine friend, then why the hell would Finn name his pillow daughter Bonnie? She been shown to care about candy people in alot of episodes. Idk what you are talking about.

oh look a Flame Princess fan.

This episode was way better than any episode Flame Princess was in (i find her character too fickle and boring). So i'm not understanding the score.