Julie Boyd

This is coming from a guy who named his band after a movie that personifies the Nice Guy™. Might explain why I never heard of this band.

I was confused for sure— I was like, "Wait, Torstein is dead, but Rollo is alive?? Weren't they the same mushrooms? What's going on here?" Then again, I was REALLY confused episodes earlier when Horik promised Borg his freedom, and he was executed anyway. I thought Floki telling Bjorn that he was protecting him may

I feel that even more of a surprise than Floki's con was Siggy's. When Rollo angrily asks Siggy during sex why she sleeps with Horik, she answers, "I do it for you." We assume she is banging the king to have him make Rollo Jarl. Now we know she was getting information for Ragnar. Now that Ragnar is King, he could