
There are two episodes left to this season. If you reach that and still feel the same then you can be done I guess. But I have a feeling you will change your mind.

I began to think of this theory like everyone else since that Time
Traveler episode. But then Hannigan's twitter kind of confirms this
further ( https://twitter.com/alydenisof ),
especially the one on Feb 14 where she showed a pic of how much she
cried for the Table Read of the finale. This episode all but confirms

Although Bowman's grades are hers alone (and thank god she is not being harped on about this episode's yet) and I'm generally in agreement with her, these past two episodes are the most different opinions Ihave from her since "The Lighthouse." I would give all of them Bs. Too broad for the emotions to register

Yeah, I liked the suggestion of "Robin floating up in the elevator" in one comment down here a whole lot better. It would still work for me if it at least was done in silence. Seriously, floating + that song is overkill. Should have lost one.