Greg M

Yeah, remember when people used to share the intimate details of their lives with people they actually know in real life, instead of broadcasting it on social media? If you don't want random ass people on the internet commenting on your life, then you probably shouldn't do that.

What if dead Iris is really some rando Iris from Earth eleventybillion? Then the next season can be about saving Iris eleventybillion. And so on and so forth infinity plus one.

In college, a group of us drove 200-miles round trip, during a snow storm to the nearest theater showing it. It was worth it.

When they came back to the hideout at the end after the failed mission, and Curtis was babbling like an idiot, I really wanted Oliver to yell, "Curtis, shut the fuck up!" How has anyone on the team not blown up at him?

Look at the size of the maggots on that meat!

I got Double Dragon III around the same time as Battletoads. Fuck those games.

Battlefield Earth. I saw it during college for the air conditioning. I didn't know anything about it and my housemate picked it.

people that only help people when they need help disgust me.

Come for the dong, stay for the hot 69 action.

I haven't watched in years, maybe the first 6-7 seasons. It's hard for me to watch a show where everyone is a terrible human being with no redeemable qualities. In earlier seasons characters had moments of decency, later they become inhuman monsters.

Kylo Ren kills Leia, becoming irredeemable. Luke comes out of retirement to kill nephew, talks in Christen Bale's Dark Knight Batman voice entire movie.

Her plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan…there were no survivors.

Don't you mean Children of Men star Clive Owen?

In the next Game of Thornes, the Iron Islands Federal Reserve debates raising interest rates!

Worst Snyder, Zack or Rick?

In college, we drove 200 miles round trip through a snow storm to watch the original. Of course, where I went to school kids would drive the same distance for Taco Bell until we got one.

I'd be fine not hearing another Beatles song.

you take that back, Down Periscope is great.