Sarah Miller

For me, it's in no way about "punishing" the fan base. It can be a few different things.

Thats interesting, because I couldn't be more opposite. Group dynamics of 3-6 people are my ideal situation. If you've got something interesting to say you can say it. If you don't, you can lay low and let the conversation happen and just listen. Lulls in the conversation are pretty rare, but if they happen they

I thought the same thing watching the episode, because I have a similar connection to that TAL episode, but reading comments after it seems like it missed the mark in that a lot of people thought the point of the scene was that she was up for a scholarship there, or even that she had a full ride and this was some kind

I was the same way pretty much. a "picky eater" to the point of throwing up if you tried to get me to eat something new, even though in retrospect I think I was malnourished my whole childhood (got sick all the time, terrible "hunger headaches" a few times a week, esp. if i didn't have access to the foods I liked,