Just a Guy

Totally, and I totally respect your opinion. Like I said, people are going to have different reactions to jokes. But again, the individual jokes aren't really my issue. My big issue is the overall setup of the situation. And maybe I'm not making myself clear. But the way I see it, Nathan's production company is

I'm clearly in the minority here, and that's fine. And of course, you're free to disagree. Let me try to explain why I found the maid sequence icky.

Well, I disagree, but that's alright! We don't have to agree. It is the internet, after all.

I'm really not trying to be a jerk - I've made all my comments here as normal as possible to stay away from ad hominem attacks that tend to infiltrate these discussions.

Just fyi - these rules are rarely followed to the letter of the law. When push comes to shove, these rules are frequently ignored, with sometimes terrible consequences (http://variety.com/2014/fil…

I didn't notice it until I watched the maid episode, in which I felt concerned that the maids weren't clear on what was going on. Felt a little icky to me when Nathan was semi-scolding one of them about taking 6 minutes to wash a sink. It's a small thing, but made me question the whole thing. But I could be wrong.

1 - Yeah, I mean, I haven't seen any news articles or anything either way on the notion of how the subjects are compensated either. But my guess is that no, a basic cable comedy show does not compensate anyone sufficiently, much less its subjects. I'm sure the stores get a slight uptick from people in los angeles who

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what you're saying here is answering my question. I totally agree what there are probably a ton of small businesses in LA that are run by first generation Americans. In fact, I think I agree with everything you're saying.

So I got roundly downvoted for a similar comment last week, but does it bother anyone that Nathan seems to be using a lot of people (the storeowners) who either are clearly not native English speakers or are clearly not that strong with the English language?

Thanks for the reply.

Man, so funny. I don't know what I liked best - treating the 40 maids like clowns coming out of a clown car, making fun of their lack of English language skills, or thinking about how if a maid said "no, I don't want to be on camera" - would he/she have been paid for the day? So funny. I love taking employees who