

Yes. Disarm is imprinted with this scene in my mind. No joke, I live in Los Angeles and one time I was driving home and Disarm came on the radio as the sun was setting on the 405 and I got fucking chills. I got chills from a song because I got flashbacks to the fucking ending of this episode.

Weird how he is blaming the artist for people who are tone deaf to the message. This is like hating Dave Chapelle because random frat bro didn't understand the racial politics of some of the sketches.

It's not at all fair but it kind of puts a pall on any scene Michael Jace/Julien is in due to his real life actions.

No mention of the absurdly tense Speirs moment. Having not read the book and being wrapped up in the show when Speirs walks in and points the gun at the guy I honestly thought he would kill him.