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    Oh shit.

    Women. He's really bad at reading women.

    Like working for a chainsmoker.

    I think Elizabeth sees Pasha as another Paige. Both are not happy with their parents.

    This. Also the greenhouse scene reminds me of the episode Paper Clip and Fight the Future.

    TWD is shit.

    I knew Elizabeth would kill Hans as soon as he fell.
    I wonder if the showrunners would go as far as making any hint at a young KGB officer who ends up screwing the US 30 years later.

    His ideology is to make himself richer, only him and he doesn't give a fuck about Americans.

    Actually he reminded me of Stalin.

    There's no comparsion. The Americans is the best show. Every episode I think it can't get more horrific and it does. No zombies, monsters or other expected villians and yet it's more uncomfortable.

    Elizabeth was far too calm for my taste in the last couple of episodes so I knew her Martha-issues would bring out the aggressive side of her and wow did it come out. She had enough.

    That wouldn't be safe enough. The CIA would get her. The only safe country would be the USSR.

    Sure he loved nina, but is it reason enough to let KGB take revange on his parents or at least his mother?

    It's awful but still more merciful than what Saudi Arabia does.

    But he must know that if he turns his family back in Russia would suffer.

    Speaking of Stan searching through Martha's apartment, isn't
    Elizabeth's spy student from the last season Hans watching the apartment, just in case Clark shows up at the same time as some of Martha's FBI co-workers? If so, than Philip will know about Stan and he might have to decide what to do with Martha, either get

    Something I've noticed, Stan's kitchen looks almost identical to the Jennings'. I thought he was at their house at first. That can't be a coincidence.

    After watching this finale I can say that TWD is to TV shows what BvS is to movies, too many expectations raised by their makers that fired back spectacularly. Overhyped arrival of the ultra "villian" that only left the already frustrated viewers even more pissed off.

    You are right I've completely forgotten that they bugged the Mail Robot.

    And you complain that people notice the "kill the lesbian" trop.