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    Remember that guy from last season Walter Taffete, he came to the FBI when Gaad found the bug in his office that Martha planted. Taffete was basically doing the job that Martha thought Clark is assigned to do.Therefore Martha knew Clark was lying who he is and she told him that she met the guy who he pretends to be.

    Oh please, those men were defensless.

    On March the 16th i think.

    The sick people who ended up infecting others.

    The theeth pulling was way worse for me. I've watched it twice and somehow it was even worse the second time.

    Why not? Why would Carol not want to hook up with a guy who almost broke her back? That was his flirting with her, right?

    The irony that Rick who banned Carol in season 4 for killing those two people in the prison because they were infected and now he is killing healthy people in their sleep but it's ok.

    You want brutal and dark, try The Americans on FX, season 3 from last year had scenes you couldn't listen or watch that's how brutal they are.