TK Jones

"I hope someone got fired for that blunder."
Way Harsh Ty…

did he resort to entrapment? i thought teddy acquiesced of his own accord and gutierrez just pulled the video…

Is this also a reference to Lorne Malvo from Fargo? Bc I could see he and Lenny really getting along…

This episode's greatest sin is twofold. First, it sinned by not being nearly as good as the episode that preceded it, and thus dashing the hope and fervor that we'd all built up by going through the journey of that second episode. Second of all, it sinned by lazily phoning in its ending. While it's a nice homage to

Your user name is just the bees knees my dear newt fancier!

Closed captioning spells it as Eurus, It's probably in the script as Eurus. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it makes sense that someone would spell it Eurus, since that is the way the show seems to spell it.

I watch my shows with closed captioning. The person who did the captioning spelled it as Eurus.

Preach! And also get out of my brain, lol.

"The random re-introduction of Irene was really confusing…I was confused as hell as to where that came from, you don't get the idea that Sherlock cares all that much about that sort of thing, and I don't know where he got the idea that Sherlock needs a romantic partner to improve him?"

My theory behind that is that the number of years they respond is the number of years he will wait before he contrives to murder them or ruin their lives in some way. Alternately they way he says it with such menace could suggest that the years are due to his magnanimity, i.e. he could have ruined or ended their

I think at this point it's pretty clear that Moffat is a brilliant writer, that he can be daring and creative and original in how he interprets a character and the plot machinations he can use to move things forward. But I think his strength is his weakness. He has a surfeit of good ideas and consistently falls

I think it's partly due to drug use, I think it's partly due to some combination of PTSD and mindfuckery by mycroft and his parents,There is also the possibility that he never saw her as an adult. If she is full blown psychotic, she may have been locked away while they were both still young.

So this season is my first one watching Sherlock as it airs. And I have to agree with Allison, that in retrospect, the season opener is kind of not so great. After watching this episode I know how it must have felt to watch the Reichenbach Fall or the Great Game as it was airing. Watching this was absolutely

Oh that was just… SO bad. As a Long Island Native, I know exactly what this was supposed to sound like, and it was WAY off. I don't know why they didn't just go for a geordie accent, or some other equivalent UK region that would have given the same impression. That was like bad sketch comedy.

Hi, thanks for sharing this point, i have yet to get into ACD's written works and I'd agree with you that social commentary and a focus on the underdog are not usually on the menu for this iteration of Sherlock. I'd really enjoy seeing those elements included in the show, i think it would make it richer.

I'm a late comer to Sherlock, I think i started watching in late 2014 or 2015. The more that I watch and re-watch the show, the more and more floored I am by just how amazingly talented Martin Freeman is. He consistently makes such interesting acting choices and his range and subtlety are sublime. The performance

I mean, she is definitely going to be alive in his mind palace, so, you know. Look forward to that.

I'm really confused because i keep seeing this. The first thing Sherlock does when Mary gets shot is to put pressure on the wound to possibly staunch the bleeding. John comes running in and the first thing he does is put pressure on the wound, and his hand doesn't move from her sternum until she dies.

I enjoyed it quite a bit more than I thought i would. I was a bit wary after the abominable bride, but i do feel like the show is getting down to brass tacks. It's not the best of Sherlock (The Great Game and The Reichenbach Fall) but it FAR FAR FAR better than the worst of Sherlock (Blind Banker, Hounds of