Marky Mark

If we're talking favorite bands, I'd say mine is The Streets. Nobody can Step Up 2: The Streets

People who don't know Scott and Scott and their comedy would have never given UTU2TM a chance after just hearing the premise. This comments section is just as bad as the comments section from U2 fans on the UTU2TM iTunes store comments page, if not worse because at least those people gave it a listen before deciding

I'm actually Mark Ruffalo, just a big fan.


P.S. check out my new Michael Boulton erotic fanfic "A Boulton By Any Other Name"

Why are there so many Michael Boultons? I now know of three Michael Boultons, but not a Boulton by any other name.

Is this an article or a figment of my imagination?

Is it just me or is that still of Tilda Swinton in Only Lovers Left Alive a spot on Thom Yorke impression?

Who in the world is Carmen Esposito?

"This particular incestuous storyline happened the same season that Matt set himself on fire due to meth (but the season before he became a criminal mime)"

(What's the Story) Gentle Herpes?

I believe this is secretly an obscure Drake diss. Kanye is always one step ahead! Unless you are in a wheelchair, then he's probably several steps ahead.

Have you seen the red band Red Band Society trailer? It's so good I'm considering starting The Red Band Red Band Society Society to show my appreciation.

Derek Zoolander: A model, idiot.

I was sure that the kid who had the dreads was a girl when I used to watch this. Anyone else think that, or was I just a really dumb kid?

If you do the slider thing on the Buzzfeed page every single actor has the exact same facial expression as they did in the poster EXCEPT the god damned kid in the hat at the bottom. It's incredibly bothersome.

I watched it a year ago after not having seen it in since i was a kid. It's garbage and I regret everything.

Goodnight Poon? Do I win?

Which Earthbound flora, or which earthbound flora? If we're talking Earthbound, I'd say he's most likely to have evolved from the mobile sprout or territorial oak. But I'm not Dr. Andonuts.