
I know there are as many opinions and reactions as there are viewers, and that will always be the case. My take on the observation as Alfred as the "best character and …only one with a sense of purpose" is that it's the reviewer's perspective, but certainly not one that I share. I know nothing about the Gotham and

I don't think there has to be guilt over the murders, not that it's something to just dismiss. There just needs to be something other than an obscure reference to Gordon's father's career in Gotham and death when Jim was so young and any survivor's guilt or being unable to help or prevent it. That's a passing

For me, the real issue is still the failure to have started with foundation for who Gordon is, why he is as committed as he is, what his motivations are and how his personal backstory have influenced and propelled him. That is the main missing context that impacts everything, including any dynamics and relationships.

I would have said that Ben McKenzie and Richard Kind were acting and whoever the other guy is might as well not have been there. The two of them were great and I would have preferred a longer scene with more of them over all of the time wasted on the kids, Ivy included. That was drawn out, struck me as filler, and